Tofu Scramble Breakfast Burritos
Servings Prep Time
4Burritos 15Minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4Burritos 15Minutes
Cook Time
  1. Remove tofu from packet and place on a clean tea towel/cheesecloth on a dinner plate.
  2. Fold the tea towel around the tofu and place another dinner plate on top. Push down firmly.
  3. Take a stack of books (I use about 4 hardback cookbooks) and place on top of the top plate. Leave sitting there while you do the rest. (You need to remove the water from tofu before cooking with it. Not doing this is the most common mistake and why most people think tofu tastes watery/lacks flavour.)
  4. Peel and finely chop one onion and the garlic. Add these to a frying pan with a splash of olive oil.
  5. Cook for a bit and then add half a teaspoon of thyme, a good shake of paprika, and about ¼-½ teaspoon of turmeric.
  6. Mix and then add a tablespoon or two of soy sauce.
  7. This is now the bit where you can add any other veg you want to include; mushrooms, peppers, chili etc.
  8. Take off the books and top plate and give the tea towel another squeeze. Then with your hands, crumble the tofu into the frying pan as small as possible. Crumble the whole block before mixing.
  9. Mix the tofu through, using your spoon to break up any bigger bits.
  10. Once all mixed in, add ⅔ heaped tablespoons of nutritional yeast and mix in.
  11. Add some pepper and mix again.
  12. Leave to cook for another 20 mins or so, turning down the heat a little to stop it from sticking. Give it a stir occasionally.
  13. After about 20 minutes you can start to prep your tortilla wraps. Spread some tomato salsa in the middle of the wrap, add sliced avocado or a little homemade guacamole on top, and then sprinkle on some grated dairy-free cheese. Then pile some scramble on top of the cheese and add sliced spring onions and jalapenos on top.
  14. Wrap up and serve with extra avocado.