Sweet Corn Salad Recipe
Servings Prep Time
5Servings 15Minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
5Servings 15Minutes
Cook Time
  1. First steam or boil fresh 2 medium corn cobs till the kernels are tender. You can steam them in a pressure cooker, steamer or electric cooker. I cooked them in a pressure cooker in 1.5 cups water for whistles. You can also cook them in a pan. Add the corn cobs and water in a pan. Cover and cook till the corn kernels become tender. Add more water if required while cooking.
  2. Let the corn cobs become warm or cool down. Then carefully scrape off the corn kernels with a knife.
  3. Add the corn kernels in a mixing bowl.
  4. Add 1/4 cup finely chopped onion, 1/3 to 1/2 cup finely chopped cucumber and 1 tablespoon chopped coriander or 1/2 tablespoon chopped parsley.
  5. Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon red chili powder and 1/4 teaspoon roasted cumin powder.
  6. Now add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon lemon juice as per your taste preferences. Here you can add 1-2 Teaspoon EKiN Extra Virgin Olive Oil too.
  7. Mix and toss everything very well.
  8. Serve sweet corn salad immediately. Or you can chill in the fridge and serve later.